Please state your preference for booking and we will try and accommodate you as close to the time as possible. Stadium bookings available during office hours only, Monday – Friday 9am – 2.00pm (last booking 1.00pm)

All booking requests are subject to confirmation, which will be made in writing within two weeks confirming availability and costs. A booking is only confirmed once the completed Rec Park Centre – ‘Conditions of Hire/use’ and/or Agreement is signed. Bookings confirmed well in advance of hire/use (one year or more) may be subject to an annual increase.
Tentative bookings must be confirmed within 10 working days of being notified that another hirer/user would like to use the same dates. Where the original prospective hirer/user does not confirm its booking within 10 working days, the date will be offered to the second prospective hirer/user.
All bookings must be confirmed within one month of the initial enquiry where hirer/users have indicated they wish to provisionally book a date.
A deposit of 25% is required to confirm a major booking (i.e., wedding, conference). If a hirer/user cancels their confirmed booking, they will forfeit their deposit unless the reasons for cancellation result from the actions/inactions of the Council, Operator, their agents or representatives.
Casual bookings of the centre may incur a 25% or $200 bond payable at the time of collection of keys.
Any professional cleaning fees or payment for wilful damage, breakages or loss may, in the first instance, be deducted from the bond. Any expenses incurred in excess of the bond will be invoiced.
Major booking hirer/users are required to give 20 working days’ notice in writing if they wish to cancel a confirmed booking.
Casual hirer/users are required to give 48 hours’ notice of cancellation of bookings. Any cancellation must be made in writing otherwise you will be charged for your booking regardless of whether you used the facility or not.
Keys/Access Cards issued must remain in the sole care of the person who signed for the keys and must be returned within 48 hours of completion of hire/use. A $20 fee applies for any key that is not returned, which will be added to your invoice.
The hirer/user will attend an orientation session to familiarise themselves with the alarm system, use of swipe cards, fire evacuation procedures and general use of the centre at a time mutually agreed by centre staff and the hirer/user. If the security alarms are set off unnecessarily, a charge out rate of $40.00 will be applied to cover security call-out fee.
The safety of Rec Park Centre users is always paramount. The Council has a comprehensive Health and Safety plan for this facility which includes evacuation plans, hazard register, and accident / incident reporting procedures. All hirer/users must ensure that they adhere to the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 and the Rec Park Centre’s H&S policies.
All electrical equipment brought on site must be tested & tagged by a qualified person.
Rec Park Centre has a register identifying the hazards present on site. This register should be viewed before commencing the hire/use. It is the hirer/user’s responsibility to identify and deal within an appropriate manner, all hazards that are caused through equipment, activities and staff that they have introduced into the Rec Park Centre or its environs.
Major Hirer/users of Rec Park Centre will be expected to produce their own Health and Safety plan to cover those specific areas/details/actions associated with their event that are not addressed by the general procedures.
Rec Park Centre Management reserves the right to stop any hire, at any stage, if they feel that the Health and Safety of users, staff, performers or any other persons is compromised by the actions of the hirer/user and their staff.
If an accident / incident occurs, it is essential that this is reported to management and an incident report form is completed. Copies of this form will be kept on site, forwarded to the hirer/user and to the appropriate agencies (Worksafe NZ and ACC) as necessary.
Various safety signs are displayed around the facilities. Please observe the message and directions conveyed.
Hirer/users are reminded of their obligations to ensure that the health and safety of staff, visitors, and customers is adequately catered for, costs of providing first aid will be met by the Hirer/user. The venue has a fully equipped First Aid Kit and Defib onsite.
The hirer/user should be aware that the centre holds LPG onsite (next to the stadium roller door entrance). The safety data sheets can be found within the Health and Safety Folder in the Foyer.
The safety of all users of Rec Park Centre is paramount. Fire Regulations require that there will always be a Chief Fire Warden and where:
• 100 people present = the Hirer/user is required to designate 1 individual as a ‘Chief Fire Warden’ and ‘Fire Wardens’ as necessary. The roles of these individuals are identified in the attached Evacuation and Emergency Procedure for the Rec Park Centre
• 100 – 500 people present = there is required to be present a Chief Fire Warden and two or more Fire Wardens.
• Over 500 people present = there is required to be present a Chief Fire Warden and enough Fire Wardens and Deputy Fire Wardens (more than 2) to facilitate the attached evacuation plan.
The requirements set out above apply to events that are making use of the facilities in a manner that does not affect the effectiveness of the current evacuation plan. The introduction of anything to the facility that affects the effectiveness of the evacuation plan (e.g., extra staging, curtaining, unusual seating, exhibition stands etc) will change the requirements for safety staff. The Rec Park Centre Operator may, as a result, require further information through the production of an ‘Event Management Plan’ in such circumstances. ‘Event Management Plans’ will be produced by the Hirer/user at the cost of the Hirer/user.
The Rec Park Centre is fitted with a type 7 fire detection system, which includes both smoke and heat detection devices. It is essential that all users that are using devices that produce heat or fumes (smoke, haze, or fog generators, inside cooking demonstrations etc) notify management at least 3 working weeks prior to their booking so arrangements can be made to isolate the appropriate areas in the facility. Any professional fees incurred in the isolation of the fire system will be on charged to the Hirer/user. Failure to do so and the occurrence of a false alarm will lead to all related costs being passed on to the Hirer/user (Fire and Emergency NZ may charge over $1000.00 for attending false alarms). If the FENZ attends to the Centre for a fire or false alarm, it is the hirer/user’s responsibility to pay any expenses incurred. In the event of a fire, if the hirer/user is found to be negligent or responsible in any manner, the hirer/user will pay all costs not directly met by the Centre’s insurance. Rec Park Centre does not allow the use of candles, tea lights, or anything with an open flame to be used inside the building under any circumstance.
Hirer/users are responsible for providing their own public liability cover. Hirer/users are advised to insure furniture or equipment they introduce to the facility. Hirer/users may be required to lodge a copy of their public liability insurance with the Rec Park Centre Operator prior to the event going ahead.
Where the Rec Park Centre Operator requires sight of a certificate of public liability cover and the Hirer/user does not supply the relevant document the Hirer/user may be considered to be in breach of this agreement and may, as a result, not be able to continue with its event. Where such a breach occurs, neither Tasman District Council nor the Rec Park Centre operator or any of their agents or representatives will be liable for any damages. Liability is therefore expressly disclaimed.
The hirer/user will take responsibility for all areas opened by the hirer/user for the duration of the booking. The Centre takes no responsibility for the security of any items stored at the Centre throughout the hire/use and suggests that if any items or stock of value are left at the Centre that the hirer/user may wish to employ security. The hirer/user must ensure that all windows and doors are shut and locked on departure and that all lights, heaters and air conditioning are turned off. The hirer/user will incur a penalty for any windows or doors left open, or any lights left on.
It is the hirer/user’s responsibility to leave the Centre in a clean state with all rubbish removed from the building. For evening functions, cleaning must be completed by 9.00am the following day unless otherwise agreed. The cost of any rubbish removal or hire bins is to be met by the hirer/user. Cleaning includes, but is not limited to, floors to be washed, carpet areas vacuumed, toilets cleaned, and kitchen area and appliances cleaned. If cleaning is deemed substandard, the cost of hiring professional cleaners will be deducted from the deposit. You may choose to hire cleaners (refer to booking form options). This is an additional charge that will be added to your final invoice.
Upon taking possession of the facility or any part of it, all Hirer/users are recommended to inspect and to satisfy themselves of the conditions of the building and contents being hired. Any damage or loss of the facilities property during the period of hire/use, whether caused by the Hirer/user, patrons, performers or any person engaged by the Hirer/user, shall be the responsibility of the Hirer/user. Any repair costs and charges resulting from this will be passed on to the hirer/user. Neither Council nor the Rec Park Centre Operator will bear responsibility for any damage or loss of any property placed on or within the grounds or building of the Centre. All Breakages, loss and/or damage to the centre or furnishings/fittings including, but not limited to glassware, crockery, cutlery, light fittings and chairs, must be declared and the cost of repair and/or replacement paid for by the hirer/user.
Carpet tiles are available in the NBS Stadium (for an extra fee), set up, cleaning and pack down of these tiles is the responsibility of the hirer/user. Tables/Chairs are available for use in the Clubrooms. All other items will be the responsibility of the hirer/user. It is the hirer/user’s responsibility to set up the area/s being hired as required. The hirer/user will also be responsible for the return of all furniture and equipment to its correct location. You may request room set up at an extra cost.
14. KITCHEN HIRE / FOOD STALLS – For preparation of food for sale to the public
The facility is let on the understanding that the Hirer/user will comply fully with any relevant laws, regulations, Bylaws and provisions of the Tasman District Council Resource Management Plan, and the Council’s policy relating to trade fairs and legislation affecting the sale of goods and liquor.
The Tasman District Council requires any business preparing food for sale to the public to be registered. This is your responsibility. Please provide a copy of your food control plan for each commercial food vendor. Contact the Environmental Health Officer at TDC for more information.
The fryer is available at an extra cost, please discuss your options when booking.
The cost is $10 per tablecloth, which includes the cleaning. You would be responsible for collecting and dropping back off at the centre. If a tablecloth is damaged, or we are unable to get it clean, then there is a replacement fee of $10 per item.
Sale and supply of alcohol is governed by the sale and supply of alcohol act 2012. Please discuss your requirements when booking.
In accordance with the bylaws, smoking and vaping is NOT PERMITTED within the Golden Bay Rec Park Centre at any time.
The Rec Park Centre may be able to arrange additional staff as required, the cost of hire, organisation, and administration to be met by the Hirer/user.
Hirer/users shall comply with the Tasman District Council Bylaws and Resource Consents regarding sound levels and function finishing times.
All users of the Centre will take into consideration the rights of other users of the facility regarding noise and access to other parts of the facility.
All users of the Centre must take into consideration the rights of neighbouring properties to the facility, in particular, need to take care not to disturb the neighbours when standing outside talking, exiting the building or leaving the car park, after 10.00 pm.
The Rec Park Centre Operator may be able to provide catering services at an additional cost. Hirer/users who have obligations through sponsorship deals to use the services and products of the sponsors at their event will be required to produce proof of this obligation.
The Council, Operator and/or their nominee(s) shall always have access to any part of facilities.
All arrangements regarding the technical aspects of the Hirer/user’s occupancy must be made with the Operator or their representative. No person shall, at any time, connect or disconnect any electrical or other fittings or equipment without approval. Walls shall not be written on, pierced by nails or other contrivances. Gangways and passageways shall always be kept free of obstructions.
If the booking is for personal use, you may be required to provide contact details for 2 referees.
Full payment of the hire/use fee must be paid on the 20th of the month following invoice date.
The Rec Park Centre Operator reserves the right to refuse any application for hire/use by an individual or organisation without assigning a reason.
Due to the large amount of damage caused by 18th and 21st functions, the Centre will only take these bookings if they are subject to appropriate supervision. The full hire/use amount is to be paid in advance, and a bond will also be required.
Hirer/users that use the facility outside normal office hours are responsible for turning off all the lights and securing all the doors before they leave. Failure to do so will result in an additional charge.
The Hirer/user will be responsible for the cost of repair of any damage caused to the buildings, furnishings or equipment and for the removal of unwanted items left behind after occupancy. The Hirer/user must report to the Rec Park Centre Operator any damage to the venue incurred during the hire/use period.
No nails, staple guns or similar device shall be used to attach decorations on the walls or ceilings in the centre.